Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Versatile blogger award

Id just like so say a massive thank you to Alex for nominating me to do this blog post. You should really go check her out her blog posts are super helpful and very interesting!

The rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Include a link to their blog
  3. Tell the person who nominated you 7 facts about you
  4. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularly 

Facts about me:

  1. I absolutely love writing..which is strange because I spent the majority of my english lessons mucking around. Ive always wanted to write a novel!
  2. When I was a child I use to go to rainbows and brownies and I loved it!!(If you don't know what that is, its basically a group of girls and leaders that meet once a week, earn badges and have fun!)  I loved the experiences, the concept of getting badges/achievements, making friends and meeting my role models on a weekly basis. Throughout my time at rainbows/brownies I just knew I wanted to grow up and be just like the leaders.. So I did! I also tried out guides but I didn't enjoy it at all so I joined my old rainbow/brownie pack as a young leader.
  3. Im a lefty! 
  4. I love reading. I enjoy reading gritty crime novels and obviously romance novels! Because doesn't most people. Haha. 
  5. I have six cats and yes, I adore every single one of them.
  6. Ive always wanted to travel..I want to go all around the world and take in different cultures and just have a jolly good time. However if I could only go to two places id love to visit Paris and New york.  ( I can sense a romantic theme here..)
  7. I really enjoy baking, it just makes me feel so happy! (ooo the little things)

My nominees: 

1: CJ
2: Holly
3: Amy
4: Hollie
5: Mel
6: Cat
8: Chloe
9: Naomi
10: Charlotte
11: Sophie
12: Amy
13: Ellie
14: Jade
15: Connie 

So thats it guys! I can't wait to read all of my nominees posts. Good luck. 

Bye for now..J x

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Crazy cat lady or crazy fox lady?

It dawned on me today that my mum is truly a crazy cat lady. (I mean the signs have always been there, 6 cats, the endless supply of treats, the fact she will go out of her way to make them comfortable) However she doesn't just love cats she seems to have developed a love for two foxes that visit our house every single day! The foxes alternate their visits. They either come together or once at a mum seems to think its her duty to go out especially to  buy food for these foxes. I mean they are cute! But its getting kinda obsessive.
With out doubt every single day they stroll down our path and just sit outside our house, waiting for my mum to come along and feed them. I can't deny that they are adorable! Because they truly are, the cats seem to not be fazed by them either. Which just adds more bonus's on the list for my mum.

Ive heard a lot of negative comments about foxes and that you shouldn't feed them because they are vicious. Despite the comments they have not shown any signs of adverse behaviour. Which makes me wonder why some act out and others are just well normal. Ive also been reading a lot of things about David Cameron wanting to revoke the ban on fox hunting..which makes me sad! The thought of men going out with the intentions to kill foxes is an awful picture. I know its just a small thing to some people but the fact the human race has made an impact regarding the fight to stop animal cruelty and now they just want to take ten steps back! Which is annoying.. I just feel that its unnecessary to go out and kill these animals when the majority of them don't do anything bad to anyone. 

Everyone has their own opinions on matters such as these and someone will always disagree with other individuals, so id love to hear your views on fox hunting! You can reach me on my social media sites below: 

Bye for now..J x

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Box swap with Bex!

A while ago I was involved in a box swap with a youtuber called Bex! I received the package a long time ago.. although I have been extremely busy and I was unable to take time out to write this post. Im sorry for the long amount of time its taken me to get this blog post up! 

We both agreed on a maximum amount of money we could both spend, we also decided that we would get to know each others likes and dislikes by going through each others sites. After literally stalking Bex's  sites for a few days I thought I was ready to start buying products I thought she'd like. 

When I received my package I was still finishing my exams and was on a revision I was very excited when I answered the door and saw I had received my swap already. 
The first thing I noticed was the beautiful pink tissue paper it was wrapped in! It was adorable. Opening the package I realised that the gifts were wrapped in the same tissue paper. It was all very fancy and cute. 

Baking products: 

As you all know I love baking..Im always looking for new things to add to my collection. So when I opened these I was ecstatic. 

-Cupcake cases
This are different to the normal plain cases I usually buy. I love the colours and the quirky patterns.

- Tea cupcake silicon cases
Ive used silicon cases before and found they are so effective and don't waste paper cases. Ive seen this sort of cases on Pinterest before and I could never find any! I was very very happy to say the least. The box contains two silicon tea cups and two plastic dishes to set the tea cup on. I love them already and I can't wait to try them out. 

- Cupcake boxes
I always find single cupcake cases very handy to have around incase I may need them. Guess what, ive already used 3!

- Silicone chocolate mould
Ive never used silicone moulds before, although I'm sure they are handy when making decoration for baked goods. They aren't too big either so I will definitely get some use out of this.

- Egg timer
You basically put it in the saucepan with your egg and it will change colour and you just follow the instructions to how you like you egg. I don't tend to cook savoury foods because I'm pretty useless at cooking..however I will get some use out of this in the future.

Beauty products:

-Exfoliating gloves
Ive already used the gloves with my soap and glory 'smoothie star breakfast scrub' and I honestly can't get enough of them.

- Nivea lip balm
I always carry a lip balm around with me and I go through lip balms like theres no tomorrow, so having and extra one lying around is very handy.

- Fake eye lashes
I don't wear makeup/lashes but I do attend different events/parties, so I am definitely going to use these very soon. 

- Face mask
I really enjoy using face masks they make my skin so smooth and fresh. I've used this specific mask before and I've always been left with excellent results. 

- Lush sweetie pie shower jelly
If you know me you will know my love for all things lush.. this is by far one of my top favourite products from lush! It smells amazing and a little goes a long way. Plus you can never have enough shower jellies.

- Rimmel london nail varnish
I paint my nails a lot although my normal shades are brighter! So I can't wait to try this shade out.


- Yankee candle fruity melon
I love yankee candles a lot! Ive smelt this scent before although I always hesitate when going to buy it. As I feel it isn't strong enough. Although I really like it! The scent gets more distinct when burning it.

- Yankee candle cherry vanilla
Ive had a full size version of this scent before and it just smells divine.

- Yankee candle vanilla frosting 
This tops all of the scents I've ever had before, I love it so much! Ive nearly burnt the whole candle which makes me sad..So I'm going to have to go out to purchase  it very soon. 

I can't thank you enough for everything you brought me! I love every single item. I really appreciate you taking time out to do this box swap with me. 
I really enjoyed picking out all your items and I hope you love them all. 

I highly recommend you all going over to Bex's youtube channel and twitter page! 
She's such a lovely person and makes the best youtube videos. Her channel is pretty great. 

Bye for now..J x