Sunday, 3 May 2015

A new chapter...

Its may the 3rd! Which seems so surreal considering it still feels like January. Entering the month May can only mean one thing for teens around the world..EXAMS. The one word we all despise the most..We all have to go through that tedious experience at least once during our lives. Whilst my exams are under way I am simply going to stay focused and happy, well try to anyway.

All I can think about is the exciting stuff that is happening after the 10th of June. Firstly finishing school..However I  hate change and the thought of leaving school and going to college is terrifying. Although there is a part of me that simply can not people, new teachers, new experience's. Aside from that I cant stop thinking about the negatives of moving on and starting the next chapter in my life. With exams just a week away the experience is all becoming real, overwhelming in fact. Everyone around me is anxious and stressed..myself included.
After my exams finish and I leave school the fun can start, until I start college anyway. With a festival, parties and days out planned and I can not wait to get these exams over and done with!
With everything I'm hoping to do and achieve during my time off after school finishes is keeping my spirits up.

I intend to write about everything I get up too during/after my exams.

Bye for now..J x

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog and I think it's really good. You have some very interesting posts. You can check mine if you want to! Here's a link : maybe we can do a collab sometime 😊😉
