Saturday, 9 May 2015

Friend or foe?

Myself and my peers will soon be leaving year 11 and going out into the big wide world as our school teachers keep telling us.. Which has made me extremely nervous! It only seems like yesterday I was sitting in the playground sipping on my juice cup, oh the memories. All of this has got me thinking..

Throughout the duration of my life I have desperately just wanted to fit in and be liked. Although I have now realised I will always be trying to do so. Throughout the  years I have gained friends and lost friends. To this day I am still trying to establish whether I am liked or not.
Going to secondary school is a part of my life that I will never forget. Going from a small primary school to secondary school was a huge thing.. The amount of people who attended the school doubled, tripled in fact! That on its own was daunting. My time at secondary school was rocky. I soon realised  how spiteful and manipulative people are. Secondary school changed me and others around me..

The past 5 years have been eventful to say the least. There has been countless arguments, tantrums and makeups. I have realised how many people just use and abuse your trust..
This past month I have lost some people I considered to be close confused me because id been there for them through everything!! I felt betrayed and upset. But after a while I realised they didn't care about me. So why should I care about them and let them affect my life?
However there has been a positive side to year 11. I've found that a majority of our year has become a close unit since year 11. Due to parties, events and mutual stress and exams we've all just naturally been drawn together.

Despite all of that I have made some amazing friends. I wouldn't want to name any of them incase they feel awkward. So lets just call them Claire, Tess, Kellie, Mollie, Eve, Zoey and Shan. All of them have been so supportive throughout the years and months. I've so grateful having them around and wouldn't change it for the world. I really hope we all continue to be friends after school ended.

Enough about me, I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't worry about what other opinions of you should just  ignore anyone that is irreverent to your life. Because if you don't and start to believe what they are saying you will soon doubt yourself and your self concept will change.
Be proud of who you are and not ashamed on how someone else sees you.

I'm sorry if this has been to negative for some of my readers..but I just wanted to what I've been thinking about out here. Because if I didn't say how I felt on here it would never become known. Thank you for reading.

Bye for now..J x

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